5 Great Family Board Games

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We love a good game night. Pop some popcorn, unplug the screens and settle in for some quality time with these five great games…

Connect 4. There’s something about a classic. This game is great for younger kids, who will learn gaming basics, as well as older munchkins, who can practice strategy. Best for kids 4+. Get it for $9.99 on Amazon.

Don’t Break the Ice. We love a classic & this is one of the best. Grab a mallet and (gently) hammer away. Kids 3-9 will love. $12.99 on Amazon.

Taco vs. Burrito. Honestly, we don’t 100% get the appeal of this game, but our tweens LOVE it. Hours of giggles and yelping - for $19.99 on Amazon.

Ticket to Ride. We love this off-the-beaten path game for its strategy and geography. Plan your routes across the country and outwit your opponents to get max points. We like this game for kids 9+. Get on Amazon for $49.99.

Suspend. Think of this like 3D pick up sticks. Figure out how to balance the 24 rods without being the player that sends the creation toppling. Great for kids 6+. Get on Amazon for $15.49.

adapted from Mommy Poppins


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