5 Backyard Water Games

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Crank up the sprinklers, cool off & treat the munchkins to these great backyard water games…

Sponge Bulls-Eye. Paint target circles on the ground. Give kids large, soaked sponges & challenge them to hit the targets. Assign different point values to each target.

Sprinkler Twister. Roll out the plastic mat from Twister and add a sprinkler to the mix. The slippery surface will make it more challenging and fun.

Squirt Blaster Races. Place Matchbox cars on the pavement and squirt them with water guns. First player across the finish line wins. If you just have one player, time him/her.

Drip, Drip, Drop. Have the kids sit in a circle on the ground. One person holds a large cup of water overhead, using his fingers to drip water on people’s heads. When he chooses whom to "dunk," he pours the water on that person’s head. The dunkee has to get up and chase the dunker.

Create a Tinfoil River. Using a roll of tin foil, create a long river, angled downward. Gather some boats or rubber duckies. Turn up the sides of the foil so that when items pass down the river, they can hit the sides and keep on floating.

adapted from Mommy Poppins


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