6 Backyard Activities

Fresh air + some quality munchkin movement.

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Looking for some backyard play ideas? We’ve got you covered…

  • Limbo. Grab a mop, long branch or broom, cue up the music & see how long you can go.

  • Treasure Hunt, Draw a map of your backyard, hide “treasure” and mark each spot with an X.

  • Four Square. Draw a court (four boxes) with sidewalk chalk and grab a bouncy ball.

  • Hide and Seek.

Water Play. Sprinklers, water balloons - even a good old fashioned hose. Throw on some bathing suits & sunscreen and have it.

Race for it. Channel your inner camp counselor & set up different races - wheelbarrow, crab-walks, three-legged.


4 Flashlight Games


4 Jump Rope Games