One rope - hours of fun

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Gather as many jumpers as you can find (no excuses dad!) and get moving…

  • Jump Rope Math. Give a math equation to solve, like 2 + 5. The jumper repeats the math equation and then jumps the answer (7)

  • Action Jumping. Two people turn a long rope and one person jumps in. The turners call out actions (like "touch your nose" or "jump on one leg") for the jumper to complete while jumping. They keep shouting out actions until the jumper makes a mistake. Then the person who called out the action gets to be the next jumper.

Partner Jumping. One jumps and the other jumps in without a rope and they jump together.

Snake in the Grass. Two people hold the ends of the rope, making sure it’s flat on the ground. Shake the rope so it looks like a snake, while the kids jump over it. If your foot touches the rope, it’s your turn to shake it.


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