4 Flashlight Games

Grab a few flashlights, flick the lights and let the games begin…

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  • Capture the Firefly. Designate a child as a firefly & give him/her a flashlight. They flash the light on the flashlight once about every 30 seconds while the other children who aren't fireflies try to capture them.

  • Tag. Think tag and hide-and-seek in the dark. The basic premise is one person is "it" and tries to spot his or her friends hiding in the dark by using the flashlight.

  • Shadow Charades. Assign each player a charade to act out. When it’s that player’s turn, he or she stands at a wall in the dark with a flashlight.

  • Flashlight Dance Party. Grab the flashlights, crank up the music & let the kids make their own “flashlight disco balls.”


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