Mini Pumpkin Volcanos

thumbail image (8).png


  • Mini pumpkins

  • Baking soda

  • Vinegar

  • Dish soap

  • Food coloring (optional)


  1. Start by cutting out the stem area as you would to carve a Jack O’Lantern. Keep the opening on the small side as that makes the eruption more interesting. Scoop out seeds.

  2. Place your mini pumpkin volcanos on some sort of tray or lid to a plastic storage container. This can get messy, so take the experiment outside if you can.

  3. Add a few spoonfuls of baking soda to each pumpkin. Then add a few drops of dish soap. Add food coloring if desired.

  4. Pour vinegar into a bowl and slowly add it to the pumpkin using eye droppers, basters or small measuring cups

adapted from Little Bins Little Hands

What’s Happening?
When the acid {vinegar} and the base {baking soda} combine, they make a gas called carbon dioxide which is the eruption you see. Because we have given the reaction a small cavity and opening, the eruption comes up and out of the mini pumpkin like a volcano.


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