Host a Juice-Tasting Challenge

Do you eat with your nose & your mouth? Find out!

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  • Masking tape

  • 4 glasses

  • Pen & paper

  • 4 flavors of juice

  • 4 food colorings


  1. Use a piece of tape to number each glass 1-4, making sure your munchkin can see the numbers.

  2. Pour one type of juice into each glass.

  3. Send your child out of the room. Drip a different food coloring into each juice and stir so it’s impossible to recognize the juice by its color.

  4. Record the number, juice type, and color in each glass on a piece of paper.

  5. Call your munchkin back. Tell him/her to hold her nose, sip from each glass, and guess the juice. He/she might be kind of confused– eyes and tongue are giving two conflicting flavor messages.

    4. Ask your child to unplug her nose, close her eyes and sniff the juice before drinking it. Her guesses should be on target now.

adapted from Red Tri


Mini Pumpkin Volcanos


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