Hot Chocolate Science Experiment

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  • Mugs

  • Water

  • Milk

  • Hot chocolate mix

  • Spoon

  • Thermometer

  • Marshmallows

  • Timer


  1. Pour 6oz of water into one mug and 6oz of milk into another one

  2. Microwave the mugs for 90 seconds or until the water and milk are hot

  3. After an adult takes the mugs out of the microwave, add one envelope of hot chocolate mix to each mug and stir until it is completely dissolved

  4. Measure the temperature of each mug and record the data

  5. Place the same number of marshmallows in each mug and start the time. Check the marshmallows after each minute, does the milk or water dissolve faster?

What’s happening?
After the milk and water were microwaved, the water was a lot hotter than the milk. The marshmallows melted and dissolved faster in the water because it was over 40 degrees hotter than the milk. Marshmallows are mainly made of sugar and sugar dissolves in liquid so the hotter liquid made the sugar dissolve faster.

adapted from A Dab of Glue Will Do


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