Make Fireworks in a Jar

Create some magic with oil, water & food coloring

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  • Cooking oil

  • A bowl

  • A tall, empty glass jar or vase

  • A fork

  • Food coloring or liquid watercolor


  • Fill a jar with water

  • Separately, pour 1 tbsp of oil into a bowl

  • Add several drops of food coloring to the oil

  • Use the fork to whisk the food coloring and oil together

  • Pour the food coloring & oil mixture into your jar

  • Watch the fireworks ensue

What’s Happening

Oil and water do not mix, but food coloring (or liquid watercolors) and water do.  Whisking the colors into the oil temporarily causes them to stick to the oil. When you pour the mix into the jar, the oil keeps the mix floating at the top. But as the colors begin to separate from the oil, they fall down into the water in droplets that begin to break apart and dissolve, making them look like a tiny fireworks explosion.

adapted from Gift of Curiosity


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