Create Your Own Rainbow

Explain rainbows to the munchkin set

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  • A glass of water about 3/4 full

  • White paper

  • A sunny day


  1. Take the glass of water and paper to a part of the room with sunlight (near a window is best).

  2. Hold the glass of water above the paper and watch as sunlight passes through the glass of water, refracts (bends) and forms a rainbow of colors on your sheet of paper.

  3. Try holding the glass at different heights & angles to see if it has a different effect

What’s Happening
Rainbows form in the sky when sunlight refracts (bends) as it passes through raindrops, it acts in the same way when it passes through your glass of water. The sunlight refracts, separating it into the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

adapted from


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