Make a Grapefruit Bird Feeder

Transform a citrus fruit into a bird feeder

thumbail image (2).png


  • Lemon, orange or grapefruit

  • Knife

  • Yarn or string

  • Scissors

  • Birdseed

  • A plastic knitting needle


  1. Cut fruit in half.

  2. Remove the inside of the fruit -eat, squeeze or zest it.

  3. Cut four 10-inch pieces of yarn for each half piece of fruit. Tie a knot at the end and thread your plastic needle.

  4. Poke your needle through the side of your peel. Make sure you go at least 1/3 of the way down from the top of the peel (if you poke too close to the top, the weight of the bird will break the peel and your feeder will fall).

  5.  Tie all four of the strings together in a knot. This is where you'll hang your feeder from a branch.

  6. Hang your bird feeder on a tree branch. Pour your birdseed inside your citrus cup.

Adapted from


Magic Inflating Balloon Experiment


Build a Marshmallow Catapult