3 Great Board Games for Tweens/Teens

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Tweens and teens can we hard to connect with. Sometimes a great board game is the bridge to conversation and connection. Check out these three games…

Monopoly Cheaters Edition. This is a fun spin on the traditional game. Players are encouraged to cheat and get rewarded for catching each other. Lots of giggles over this one. Buy on Amazon.

Scrabble. An oldie, but a goodie. Older kids can get creative with more complicated words and double/triple letter points. One caveat - we rarely actually finish the game. It tends to last a while.

Ticket To Ride. Part strategy, part geography, part luck - we love this game because it’s fun, it takes a while (more time to hang) and it appeals equally to our 10-year-old, 12-year-old and adults. Buy on Amazon.


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