Build a Lego Volcano


  • 1 bucket Duplo legos

  • 1 box baking soda

  • Red food coloring

  • White vinegar

  • Baking tray to dish with sides


  1. Build your volcano using Legos. Step number one required actually building the volcano. Grab a large base and attach long skinny bricks around its sides. Then attach a second row of brick on top, scooting bricks in a bit to build a pyramid. Add a third row of bricks.

  2. Build a tower of square bricks that is 4 Legos tall. Place it upside down in the center of the volcano.

  3. Cover any holes with bricks.

  4. Place the volcano on an empty baking sheet.

  5. Squeeze about 10 drops of red food coloring into the bottom of a 1/4 cup measuring spoon. Fill the rest with vinegar to make it bright red like real lava.

  6. Using a second measuring cup, scoop out 1/4 cup baking soda and carefully poured it into the upside down LEGO tower in the center of the volcano.

  7. Watch the erruption.

adapted from The Stem Laboratory


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