Twig & Tissue Paper Snowflakes

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  • Sticks or twigs

  • Hot glue gun

  • White and/or silver paint and a paintbrush

  • White, gray, or light blue tissue paper squares

  • Liquid glue

  • Scissor and string for hanging


  1. Take three twigs or sticks about the same length and thickness and glue them together in a snowflake shape with a hot glue gun.

  2. Paint the twig snowflakes with white tempera or acrylic paint. Let dry.

  3. Show kids how to crumple the tissue paper squares and glue them onto the twigs. Encourage them to glue as many crumpled tissue paper squares onto their stick snowflakes as they’d like.

  4. Set aside to dry. When dry, use string to hang.

adapted from Bug and Buggy


Marshmallow Dreidel


Stained Glass Snowflakes