3 Online Activities Celebrating MLK Day

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Paint a Resiliency Mural. Brooklyn-based artist Sophia Dawson uses Dr. King as inspiration in this class teaching kids to paint a mural of someone who inspires us with their resiliency. Click here for details.

Write an Inspirational Song. The Country Music Hall of Fame is hosting this virtual songwriting workshop where kids can share ideas and write an original song inspired by the Civil Rights Movement. Music professional Adam Ollendorff will teach the fundamentals of songwriting and participants will share ideas and write an original song via chat. Click here for details.

Join a Virtual Viewing Party. Celebrate the service and impact of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life by joining Discovery Education for a virtual viewing party. The event features a video and activities designed to help students understand the history of Dr. King’s work and the importance of service to a healthy community. Click here for details.


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