3 Ways to Give Back for MLK Day

MLK Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service - read below for a few safe, engaging ways for your to celebrate with your family…

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Battle Hunger. Learn about food justice in a virtual workshops then participate in a one-hour virtual service activity. Click here for details.

Make Greeting Cards. Before COVID, receiving a card might have served as a simple reminder that someone was thinking of you. Since the outbreak, many of our frail aged neighbors have quarantined themselves at home for their own safety. This isolation has lasted months, and our meal recipients are desperately lonely. Showing you care can be as simple as making a thoughtful card. Click here for details.

Entertain a Senior. Due to physical distancing, feelings of loneliness and social isolation doubled among older adults within the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic. Ask an older adult to share their story with you. Click here for details.


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