Patriotic Reads for Kids


We’re still basking in the red, white & blue glow of July 4th. Continuing the fun with five great patriotic reads for kids 0-10…

Our Flag Was Still There: The True Story of Mary Pickersgill and the Star-Spangled Banner by Jessie Hartland. Learn the true story behind the American flag & The Star Spangled-Banner.

You're My Little Firecracker by Nicola Edwards. This festive story celebrates the love between a parent and child with colorful, feel good images like fireworks & apple pie.

Together We March: 25 Protest Movements That Marched into History by Leah Henderson. March through history and discover twenty-five groundbreaking protest movements that have shaped the way we fight for equality and justice.

A Chip Off the Old Block by Jody Jensen Shaffer. Rocky comes from a long line of legendary rock formations, including Uncle Gibraltar, Aunt Etna and and Great-Grandma Half Dome. Follow along as he discovers how to matter in a big way.

One Good Thing About America: Story of a Refugee Girl by Ruth Freeman. Back home, nine-year-old Anaïs was the best English student in her class, but here in Crazy America it feels like she doesn't know English at all. Nothing makes sense and the kids at school have some very strange ideas about Africa.


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