Fizzing Moon Rocks



  • Baking soda

  • White vinegar

  • Water

  • Black, blue & purple food coloring

  • Glitter

  • Pipette or squirt bottle


  1. Add a few cups of baking soda to a bowl

  2. In a separate container color the water as desired (remember, it will lighten once mixed with vinegar)

  3. Slowly add the colored water to the baking soda a little bit at a time. Add a few shakes of glitter if desired.

  4. Shape the mixture into your moon rocks.

  5. Wrap in saran wrap and freeze for at least 30 minutes.

  6. Put the moon rocks in a baking dish and set out a bowl of white vinegar with a pipette or squirt bottle.

  7. Squirt vinegar onto moon rocks and observe what happens.


Solar System Plate


Bonus Fun: Freedom Fest