Design the ultimate fish to survive in this fascinating zone of the ocean. Then, create an innovative collecting device to bring living sea creatures back to the lab! This activity is provided by

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  • Bucket

  • Design materials (plastic wrap, straws, wax paper)

  • Drawing utensils (crayons, markers, pencils)

  • Paper

  • Scissors

  • Tape


  1. Research fish and other marine life that live in the ocean’s twilight zone.

  2. Gather sketching materials and mix and match some of the creatures’ features and characteristics to make the ultimate marine animal to survive in these deep, fascinating waters

  3. Next, imagine you are trying to catch one of these fish or creatures in order to research it at the local marine laboratory.

  4. Design and make a prototype of a device that can safely bring living species back to the surface and into the lab. Don’t forget that the change in pressure from deep water to the surface can be problematic for marine life. You will have to invent a solution!

  5. Explore various materials for your device and choose the best one(s) to make it waterproof.

  6. Test the device in a container, bucket or wading pool. Play this track for greater immersion while testing.

  7. Finally, research how other innovators are tackling this challenge of safely bringing marine life samples up from the twilight zone to study them.

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