Straw & Pipe Cleaner Web

thumbail image (4).png


  • 20-30 straws

  • 20-30 pipe cleaners


  1. Start with a star of 6 straws in the center.  You will need to combine two pipe cleaners together and go through two straws at a time. Twist around each other at the center to secure them.

  2. Once you have the basic star shape formed, go around the circle with smaller pieces.

  3. For the inner circle, cut the straws into thirds. Do the same with the pipe cleaners. Attach two together and wrap around the long straws as you go around.

  4. For the second row, cut straws in half and repeat the same process.

  5. For the outer row, use full straw or cut a bit.

  6. Accessorize with pipe cleaner spider (optional)

adapted from Lemon Lime Adventures


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