DIY Lava Lamp

Introduce kids to a flash from the past with DIY lava lamps. Save some water bottles for repeat experiments.

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  • Empty water bottle

  • Vegetable oil

  • Water

  • Food coloring

  • Alka-Seltzer tablet


  • Fill the empty water bottle about 2/3 full with vegetable oil

  • Fill the rest with water, leaving a little of space at the top

  • Notice that the water sinks below the vegetable oil.  Oil and water do not mix. Oil floats on the surface because the water is heavier (has a higher density)

  • Add the food coloring

  • The food coloring will only mix with the water, not the oil

  • Stir with a chopstick or knife (don’t shake the bottle)

  • Break an Alka-seltzer tablet into four pieces. Drop one piece into the bottle at a time

Why Does It Work?

When you drop in the Alka-Seltzer, it sinks to the bottom and starts dissolving.  As it dissolves, it forms a gas that rises to the top and takes a little of the colored water with it.  The gas bubble breaks on the surface and the colored water sinks back to the bottom.

adapted from


Penny Change Experiment