Make Fizzing Lemonade

Mix an acid & a base to get a chemical reaction

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  • 1-2 lemons  

  • 1 tsp of bicarbonate of soda/baking soda

  • Cold water

  • 1-2 tsp sugar


  • Squeeze (and strain) the juice of one lemon into a glass

  • Add 1 tsp of bicarbonate of soda

  • Give it a stir to really get the reaction happening

  • Add some sugar to water to taste and add to lemon mixture. (There should be more frothing but not as big as the first reaction. Why do you think that is?)

  • Taste your lemonade! (What can you notice? What can you feel on your tongue?)

What’s Happening?
When the lemon juice (acid) and the bicarbonate of soda (base) mix, they form a chemical reaction known as an acid-base reaction. The reaction produces as gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) which creates bubbles when formed in a liquid like in this fizzing lemonade experiment. This process is called carbonation. 

Safety Note: Baking soda/bicarb of soda is not safe to be ingested in large quantities so please supervise young children. It is safe for them to consume a small amount such as this fizzing lemonade experiment.

adapted from Learn With Play at Home


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