Free & Low Cost Coding Websites for Kids

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Grab a computer, tablet or smartphone and let the coding begin. Kids as young as 4 can learn coding basics and build up to full-scale programming with these free or low cost websites & apps.

Code Avengers. Recommended for kids 5+


Khan Academy.


Lightbot. Recommended for kids 5+.

Swift Playgrounds. Recommended for older kids.

Tynker. Recommended for kids 5+

Why Does It Work?

Lemon juice is an organic substance that oxidizes and turns brown when heated. Diluting the lemon juice in water makes it very hard to notice when you apply it the paper. Other substances which work in the same way include orange juice, honey, milk, onion juice & vinegar. Invisible ink can also be made using chemical reactions or by viewing certain liquids under ultraviolet (UV) light.

adapted from


Zoo Cameras & Tours


DIY Invisible Ink