Build a Calm Down Jar

A bit of meditative magic in a jar, courtesy of We Are Teachers

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This is a great experiment for learning and relaxing…


  • Jars

  • Baby oil

  • Water

  • Measuring cup

  • Water-based food coloring

  • Oil-based food coloring


  1. Create your water mixture. Fill your jar half full with water. Then take your water-based fool coloring and add a few drops. You really don’t need much. Put the lid on the jar and shake thoroughly

  2. Create your oil-based mixture. Pour baby oil into your measuring container (the same amount of water you used before). Then, using a toothpick, stir in a little bit of oil-based food coloring. Mix well, until the oil has a nice even color. 

  3. Pour your oil mixture in with your water. You’ll see the colors combining as you pour, but they’ll eventually separate.

  4. Shake and observe. You’ll see the two colors mix together, creating a new color. After a few minutes, they’ll separate again. 

adapted from We Are Teachers


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