10 Indoor Games To Burn Off Steam

Get your heart pumping with these 10 games that will get munchkins wiggling, running, bouncing and smiling.

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Play freeze dance.

Use crepe paper or painter's tape to set up a "laser maze" (a la Mission Impossible) in a hallway. Kids must climb, crawl and contort to reach the prize on the other side without touching the "laser" and setting off the alarm.

Play "Don't Let the Balloon Touch the Ground.”

Use cushions & masking tape to set up an obstacle course going from point A to point B. Everything but the "islands" is "lava" and your kids must cross to the other side by hopping across the course without falling in!

Host a pillow fight

Create a hopscotch grid on your floors with painter's tape.

Go on a puzzle piece hunt. You hide the pieces of a puzzle around your house, and it's up to your kids to find the pieces. Once they find them all (make sure you have a total count), they can put the puzzle together. 

Play hide & seek.

Have your kid balance a bean bag on their body while moving like an animal. Move like a cheetah or hop like a kangaroo.

Create a number grid from 1-9 and call out random numbers for your children to jump to.


Get Moving with Go Noodle


Dance Lunch Breaks from Sounds Sweet Entertainment