I Am Unstoppable: A Little Book About Amelia Earhart


Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic- faster than any man or woman. Every flight she took, someone said she couldn’t do it. But, she accomplished her goal. Little Amelia tells her readers, “one day you will soar. You will take your dreams so high.”

We love this book for its inspiring message & bite-sized historical facts. Little readers can trace Earhart’s flight path with their fingers. We also see the traits (like determination) that allowed Earhart to become unstoppable.

Bonus! We’ve put together a readers guide for I Am Unstoppable featuring a craft, conversation starters & a creative writing exercise for kids. (Think of it as a 3-page cheat sheet to chatting about the book with your munchkin). Click here to download the guide.


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