4 Kids Books Exploring Big Feelings

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Regulating emotions can be a bumpy ride. These books acknowledge kids’ highs and lows, encourage connections & companionship and help us during uncertain times.

Giraffe Problems by Jory John. A wise turtle teaches a self-conscious giraffe to appreciate his long, bendy neck. A delightful board book that celebrates unconventional friendship and acceptance. Recommended for infants.

Big Feelings by Alexandra Penfold. This new book, filled with expressive illustrations, helps readers value their big emotions, open their large hearts and see someone else's point of view. Recommended for toddlers.

Eyes That Kiss in the Corners by Joanna Ho. A young Asian girl realizes being unique is beautiful. Recommended for elementary school readers.

365 Days to Alaska by Cathy Carr. Rigel lives off the grid in Alaska, but is forced to move to the Connecticut suburbs. A poignant book about being lost and finding your way home. Recommended for tweens/teens.


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