4 Ways to Hang with Santa - Virtually

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Add virtual Christmas to the list of 2020 adjustments. The holidays continue to feel a bit different this year, but these virtual Santas are sure to bring some cheer…

JingleRing. Connect to Mr. and Mrs. Claus on "North Pole TV." Choose between your preferences for ethnicity, language (including ASL) and faith. Before your visit, fill out a form that personalizes the experience.

Kringle Mingle. Order a pre-record personalized message or schedule an in-person video call with the big man.

Macy’s Santaland at Home. Macy’s offers up a personalized, interactive journey through the North Pole. Take a ride on the Santaland Express, visit Santa’s Toy Shop and help the Elves pack his sleigh.

Santa the Experience. Embark on a magical Elf-guided journey to the North Pole and enjoy a live video chat with Santa. The experience is guided by Elf Pickles, Dimples, Bazzle and Tinsel.


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