Make Your Own Podcast

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Pineapple Street Studios is collecting podcasts from kids all around the world. Make your own following these 4 steps then send it to them via email.

4 Steps to Making Your Own Podcast

Ask parent/guardian for permission

Come up with an idea

Record it using a smartphone voice recording app. Try to keep it between 2-10 minutes

Name your podcast & write a brief description of it

Email it in

Podcast subject ideas

History podcast. Pick a historical event and tell us what happened. How did the United States become a country? Where did the first horse come from? Who invented the school bus? You can research this and tell us the story, or just make it up! Whichever seems more fun to you.

Advice podcast. What are some of the biggest things kids your age have to deal with? Maybe a friend is a picky eater? Or maybe your cousin is having a hard time making friends? What advice would you give them? What would you tell someone who is trying to decide what sport to play? Or what kind of dancing to do?

Interview show. You can interview an adult or another kid or a character you play yourself. If you’ve never done an interview before here are some questions you can use to get you started.

Movie reviews. Pick one, and tell us your review. Tell us what happened in the movie, who the best characters were and why, what you liked about the movie and what you didn’t like. Tell us how many thumbs up you give it. You can also review books or games or recipes or songs.

Show & tell. Pick an item from your house that is great and surprising and tell us everything about it. What does it look like? Sound like? Feel like? Smell like? Where did it come from? What does it do? Why do you think it’s so special?


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