5 Pool Games for Kids

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The pool can be endless hours of summer entertainment. Spice it up with these fun family games….

Beach Ball Race. Give each player a large beach ball. See who can get it to the other side of the pool first without throwing it

Marco Polo. One player is assigned to be Marco. He/she closes his/her eyes and yells out “Marco.” All the other players must respond with “Polo.” Marco tries to tag the others (while keeping his/her eyes shut) - first player tagged is the new Marco.

Sharks & Minnows. The shark stands in the middle of the pool and all the minnows swim by him/her without getting touched. Kids who get tagged are out, until there is a one-on-one shark/minnow swim off.

Coin Hunt. Toss a handful of coins into the pool and have the kids dive for treasure.

Float Race. Everyone gets a float, first person to get from one side of the pool to the other while staying on his/her float wins.


Make a Sponge Bomb


Build a Target Tower