DIY Pick-Up Sticks

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  • 30 sticks - pencils, chopsticks, craft sticks, etc. Any variety works & they don’t all have to be the same

  • Washi tape or markers


  1. Use washi tape or markers to assign point values to each stick (1 stick should be worth 25 points, 7 sticks 10 points, 7 sticks 5 points, 7 sticks 2 points and 8 sticks 1 point

  2. One player holds all of the sticks together vertically on a flat surface, then lets them go (the sticks will fall in a random pattern)

  3. Players take turns picking up one stick at a time. Only the stick the player is trying to move can move. If any other stick moves, the player loses his/her turn. If successful, the player keeps the stick and tries again

  4. When all of the sticks have been picked up, tally the scores. The player with the most points wins.


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