5 Halloween Games for Kids

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Halloween is going to look a bit different this year. Spice up the home-bound fun with these five games…

Candy Corn Guessing Game. Fill a jar with candy corn & have players guess how many. Closest to the correct answer wins.

Mummy Races. Give each player a roll of white crepe paper. Have them wrap their partner’s leg - the first to the finish line (waist) with no rips, wins.

Pumpkin Bean Bag Toss. Carve three (or more) pumpkins with various size holes in the middle. Give players bean bags & toss away.

Pumpkin Patch Stomp. Inflate & tie a bunch of orange balloons. Let players loose on the field & see who can pop the most in a certain amount of time.

Pumpkin Ring Toss. Line pumpkins up along a path. Give each player a small ring & toss away.


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