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  • Covers: Sheets, light blankets, towels, baby blankets, even comforters if you use a sturdy enough base

  • Anchors: Kitchen chairs, tables, couch, step ladders, high chairs, Swiffer, vacuums

  • Fasteners: Clothes pins, hair ties, rubber bands, bobby pins, chip clips


  1. Stretch your sheet as taut as you can over your base, securing the ends of your sheet to the base.

  2. Build your walls. Use your smaller collection of fabrics (smaller sheets, towels, baby blankets) to drape over the chairs and other anchors, creating your walls. Use fasteners to keep things secure.  

  3. Settle in. Make your fort comfortable for the “long-term.” Pad the floor with pillows, cushions and blankets. Bring in snacks and books - settle in!

adapted from The Spruce Crafts


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