4 Kids Books Celebrating Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving means turkey, family time and expressing gratitude. These four books offer thanks and appreciation for all good things--even when the “bumpy” ones…

Thanks for Nothing by Ryan Higgins. In this hilarious board book, the mice of Soggy Hollow are very grateful. But, is Bruce the bear? A great introduction to a funny series. Recommended for infants.

We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga by Traci Sorell. Oh-jah-LEE-hay-lee-gah is a phrase used by members of the Cherokee Nation to express gratitude. Readers explore the different ways the community appreciates its land, fish, water, plants and stars. Recommended for toddlers.

A Kids Book About Gratitude by Ben Kenyon. This book teaches young children that gratitude is meant to be shared. This is a great book to help young kids notice big & small moments. Recommended for elementary schoolers.

Tune it Out by Jamie Sumner. A 12-year-old girl navigates sensory processing disorder while living with her aunt and uncle and starting a new school. Despite many challenges, she learns about gratitude, family bonds and what it means to live happily-ever-after. Recommended for tweens.


Homemade Bread


Fluffy Turkey Slime