Unicorn Poop Cookies


  • Store bough refrigerated cookie dough

  • Food coloring

  • Sprinkles

  • Edible glitter


  1. Split the dough into four pieces and place each piece in a separate bowl.

  2. Add one food color to each bowl & stir to mix completely.

  3. Refrigerate the bowls for 30 minutes.

  4. Take a small piece of dough from each bowl. Roll each on a counter or cutting board to make a rope-like shape. Then coil the four different pieces into a cookie shape until you’ve used all the dough.

  5. Follow the directions on the cookie dough package to bake and cool.

  6. Decorate with sprinkles & edible glitter.

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adapted from AMP Kids


2 Ingredient Bagels


Rainbow Grilled Cheese