Popsicle Stick Pencil Holder

thumbail image (1).png


  • Popsicle sticks (included in your Box of Fun)

  • Rubber bands (included in your Box of Fun)

  • Mod podge

  • Colored paper

  • Paintbrush

  • Tube-shaped cardboard container (like a Pringles can)

  • Ribbon or string


  1. Trim down the container so that it’s about the same height as a popsicle stick

  2. Trim the paper to fit around the container. Use the Mod Podge to glue the paper to the container. Let it dry.

  3. Use the Mod Podge to glue craft sticks vertically to the container. (The sticks shouldn’t extend past the bottom of the container, otherwise the container won’t stand up by itself).

  4. Wrap the rubber bands around the container so the craft sticks dry in place. Once dry, remove the rubber bands and glue on additional shapes and designs. Or tie ribbon around the container.

adapted from Kiwi Co


Rubber Band Painting


Pom Pom Rug