Marbled Paper

“Fancy” paper comes home. Play with colors & textures, then use your dried masterpieces for cards to send to family and friends.

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  • An old cake pan (or other pan with rimmed edges)

  • Small bowls or cups for mixing the paint

  • Eye droppers

  • Forks or popsicle sticks

  • Liquid watercolors or food coloring

  • Vegetable oil

  • White paper


  • Mix 1/2 tsp oil with 1 tsp liquid watercolor in each bowl. Whisk well to combine

  • Fill the bottom of the pan with 1/2 inch water

  • Using eyedropper, squeeze a few drops of paint into the pan

  • Place a piece of paper on top of water, remove once it’s absorbed color

  • Set aside to dry

  • Play with different color combinations

adapted from


Butterfly Prints