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  • Used crayons

  • Oven safe mold, we like this one


  1. Fill a bowl with water and soak the crayons until the water is fully absorbed into the paper.  Peel the paper wrappers off the crayons.

  2. Sort the colors according to what you want your crayons to look like. Options include rainbow colors, swirls & layers.

  3. Fill the molds halfway for a thinner crayon or 3/4 of the way for a thicker crayon. Don’t fill too high or the wax will spillover.

  4. Set your oven to the lowest temperature. Place your mold on a baking sheet (in case the wax spills) and put it inside until the wax melts. Typically about 30 minutes.

  5. Once they are fully melted carefully remove from oven. Let cool.


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