Coffee Filter Rainbows

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  • Coffee filters

  • Washable markers

  • White & pink craft paper

  • Goggly eyes

  • Glue gun & glue sticks

  • Gallon sized zipper bag

  • Water spray bottle

  • Permanent marker


  1. Flatten round coffee filters, and draw colors in circles, in rainbow order with washable marker

  2. Place the colored coffee filters on a gallon size zipper bag and mist with spray bottle. Watch the magic as the colors blend and swirl. Set aside & dry.

  3. Once dry, fold the coffee filters in half and then cut along the fold with scissors, creating two rainbow shapes from each filter.

  4. Trace a cloud shape onto white craft paper and cut out with scissors.  Attach cloud to rainbow with the glue gun and glue sticks. 

  5. Trace two cheek shapes onto pink paper & cut them out.

  6. Glue eyes & cheeks onto cloud, draw mouth with marker


Cloud Dough


Felt Flower Bookmarks