Butterfly Ring Craft

Make your butterflies “fly” with this ring craft

thumbail image (4).png


  • Small sheet of square paper - about 3x3 inches

  • Markers or crayons

  • Pipe cleaner


  • Fold the paper in half.

  • On the side with the crease draw two lines about 1/4 inch long. This will make the part of the butterfly that will lay on your child’s finger so the width should be small enough to fit your child.

  • Draw a large B or similar shape to connect the two lines and make half of a butterfly shape.

  • Leave the paper folded and cut along the lines to create your butterfly shape. Unfold the paper and decorate with markers, colored pencils, or crayons.

  • Make a loop in the middle of your pipe cleaner about the size of your child’s finger.

  • Twist the long ends gently around the middle of the butterfly, leaving the long ends out at the top

  • Twist long ends and then curl them to create the antennae. 

  • Put the ring on then soar around the room.


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